Time in Saint Kitts Nevis

21 December 2024

9:42 pm

Practice Areas


Dash and Associates is able to provide clients with quick and cost-effective practical solutions to enforce their rights before the High Court of the Federation of Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and Nevis.


In Saint Kitts Nevis, we act on matters primarily involving entities incorporated under the Nevis Limited Liability Company Ordinance, Cap. 7.04; the Nevis Business Corporation Ordinance, Cap. 7.01; the Nevis International Exempt Trust Ordinance, Cap. 7.03; Nevis International Insurance Ordinance, Cap. 7.07; Nevis International Mutual Funds Ordinance, 2004; and the Multiform Foundations Ordinance, Cap. 7.08.  We act for shareholders, partners, trust beneficiaries and other beneficial owner when legal assistance is required to protect and defend their interests.

For further information, please contact us via e-mail at Attorneys@DashAttorneys.com or by telephone at +1.869.469.1600.
